
Convince yourself of the following: each object surrounding you contains a dormant musical instrument. Scratch, blow, shake, transform and listen…you have now entered the realm of Wild Instruments…

From the blowgun flute to the BTB (Big Trashcan Bass), by way of the spalafone and the sauerkrautofone, Max VANDERVORST shows the reader how to create more than 70 zany instruments, classified by material used (tin cans, PVC tubing, bottles, rocks, or ordinary household utensils), and by increasing order of building difficulty.
Over 180 photos and diagrams accompany the description and presentation of each instrument, along with the list of materials required to build it, and – most importantly – playing instructions. One special chapter is devoted to giant instruments, and the opus rounds up with a musical index and the Wild Intrument-Maker’s Alphabet.
Accessible to a wide public, New Wild Instruments is neither a simple DIY manual nor a musical treatise, but rather the observations of an artist sharing his experience in the art of creating musical instruments, gathered through numerous musical performances and continuous tinkering and inventing.
In this book – written in French – Max VANDERVORST revisits some of the instruments described earlier in Lutherie Sauvage (Wild Instruments), published in 1997 by Alternatives

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“Depuis la parution en 1997 de son livre sur la « lutherie sauvage », terme qu’il a lui-même contribué à populariser, le musicien belge Max Vandervorst est devenu un des inventeurs d’instruments les plus connus d’Europe. ” Gérard Nicollet (Lutheries expérimentales, Editions Alternatives)

“Tous ceux qui connaissent cet artiste indéfinissable vont être comblés par le livre qui leur permettra enfin de réaliser eux-mêmes les instruments de musique utilisés par Max Vandervorst”. Marie Dominique Bureau (La Meuse)

“Hilarant et superbe. » (Science et vie)

“Max Vandervorst révèle tous ses secrets dans un ouvrage irrésistible paru aux éditions alternatives. Cent dix pages de photos, de croquis et de commentaires technico-rigolos qui vous permettront d’épater la galerie à peu de frais… C’est fou, gai et savant à la fois. » Jean Tréfontaine (Ouest France)

“A se procurer d’urgence. » Françoise Kokelaere (Batteur magazine)